Jerry Gargiulo is a practicing psychoanalyst and poet. A number of his poems recently appeared in Between Hours (Karnac publications) as well as The East Hampton Star, and The American Psychoanalyst. He is the author of two texts: Psyche, Self and Soul and Broken Fathers/Broken Sons (a personal memoir). He has lectured extensively both here and abroad and has YouTube interviews where he locates the human experience of searching for what is real as an essential element in understanding what psychotherapy is all about. He was married to his wife Julia for forty seven years and has two children and three grandchildren. His writing ofTalking to Julia was crucial in his mourning process and healing, and he presents it here in the hope that it may help others, suffering a similar loss of a loved one. The poems, notwithstanding their deep yearning and grief, are meant as a tribute to a very deep love that grief reveals and celebrates. |