Charles Rammelkamp is Prose Editor for BrickHouse Books in Baltimore, where he lives, and reviews editor for The Adirondack Review. For a decade he edited the literary review, The Potomac. He is the author of several collections of “historical” poetry sequences, including Fusen Bakudan (Time Being Books), about World War Two Japanese balloon bombs and leper colony missionaries in Vietnam; Mata Hari: Eye of the Day (Apprentice House), about the life and career of the World War I femme fatale spy; American Zeitgeist(Apprentice House), which deals with the populist politician and Scopes Trial buffoon, William Jennings Bryan; and a chapbook of poems about female sailors in the British Royal Navy during the 17thand 18thcenturies, Jack Tar’s Lady Parts (Main Street Rag Press). He has also published a novel, The Secretkeepers (Red Hen Press) and several collections of short fiction, including A Better Tomorrow(PublishAmerica) and Castleman in the Academy (March Street Press). His latest is a chapbook of poems entitled Me and Sal Paradise (FutureCycle Press).
We are proud to present his work, Time Is on My Side, the Gym Poems, as part of "free to read e-book" collection. |