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Michael Feil's  PictureMichael Feil hails from small town Iowa. Faced with alternatives of going to vocational school, college, or military conscription during the Vietnam Conflict, his desire to study art was not a priority on his parent’s hit parade of vocations. They sent him to Chicago to study electronics. Taken in by a band of discharged soldiers and sailors, he was persuaded to join the Navy. The G.I. Bill enabled art school, a painting mentor inspired him to get a life, make art. He has supported himself with day jobs as a corporate sales manager, capital equipment salesman, new/used auto salesman and dealership owner, a salesperson in advertising, publications, shirts, a truck driver, truck owner/operator, factory worker, bartender, cook, machinist, airplane mechanic. Painting, writing poetry and fiction, he lives in suburbia. His work entitled Camping in a Middle Class Pasture (Selected Poems 1971-1999) is available for your free enjoyment here at I.P.C. as part of our extensive free-to-read e-book collection or for a small price from our Paperback Page.