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Barton Smock

Rafael Ayala Páez (Zaraza, Guárico, 1988). Licenciado en Educación Integral, mención Lengua y Literatura por la Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez (UNESR). Sus poemas han aparecido en revistas literarias tanto nacionales como extranjeras. Es miembro fundador de la Red Municipal de Escritores de Zaraza y del Colectivo literario "Corriente Alterna". Ha publicado: Bocados de silencio y The lightness of matter. Su tercer poemario El libro de los días se encuentra en imprenta. Algunos de sus poemas han sido traducidos al alemán, inglés, francés y hebreo.

Rafael Ayala Paez . Degree in Education, Languages, and Literature from University of National Experimental Simon Rodriguez (UNESR). His poems have been published in literary magazines nationally and worldwide. Paez is a founding member of Red Municipal of Zaraza's Writings and the complete literary collection of "Corriente Alterna." He published Bocados de Silencio and The Lightness of Matter. His third poetic novel , El Libro de los Dias, can be found in print. Some of his poems have been translated into German, English, French and Hebrew.

See for more on Rafael or connect with him on facebook at We are proud to present his collection, The lightness of matter as part of "free to read e-book" collection.